Hi! welcome to my lil corner of the internet hihihi. Im MouseTown sites owner, very new to coding but so excited. Ever since i was little i thought the internet was such a cool and creative place, im glad i get to experience it with neocities!
This is a very personal website for me to infodump my personal life and insecurities/secrets as well as my interests. Hope you enjoy your stay X3
If you happen to know me IRL please DONT read the diary log !!!! this is my safe space and using physical diaries is hard to keep track of. My diary isnt just for bad things so i will probably write about everyone ik if they made me feel positive or negative, its not personal its just my area to dump about my day !!!!
Another thing, dont go into my code plz! im still new to coding and dont think this website is good to copy from, ty! Also if i post any original art and ocs do not upload them to anywhere else :3
I want to keep this website as a safe caring space so dont come here to make others or me uncomftorble <3